LUB #2022-4 Follow-Up

Land Use Bylaw #2022-4 Follow-Up Survey –  Public Engagement Opportunity


In 2022, Council passed a new Land Use Bylaw. Community sentiment during the public engagement on Bylaw #2022-4 made it clear that follow-up would be necessary to help the municipality monitor the impact on the new rules and be proactive in addressing any unintended consequences going forward.

Council committed to a two-year trial period for the new bylaw after which time the municipality would engage with stakeholders for follow-up on noted “hot button” topics. With both the 2023 and 2024 summer seasons now logged for reference in the discussion, Council has prepared a follow-up survey to initiate the promised engagement.

A copy of Land Use Bylaw 2022-4 can be found here.


New Public Engagement Opportunity

In January 2025, the municipality notified stakeholders (property owners and residents) of the new public engagement opportunity. A copy of the notice letter can be viewed here.

The survey was available online, and by printing a hard copy of the survey and sending your completed paper copy back to the administration office before the deadline.

Click for a PDF copy of the Survey

The survey was active from January 10, 2025 through February 15, 2025.


Next Steps

The municipality looks forward to receiving your comments as part of this new engagement process. Of course, if you have questions about the survey, need assistance accessing the survey, or want to discuss any of the questions prior to answering, please reach out to the administration office for additional information.

After the survey closes, Council will review the feedback and determine next steps. If Council finds that further revision to the Land Use Bylaw is warranted, a new draft will be prepared and additional public hearings and engagement steps will be taken. The municipality will keep you informed about any new steps in the process as they arise.

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