Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 134 total)
  • Author
  • in reply to: RV Park Development Application #830
    Mark Miller

    Letter opposing RV Park development, click here.

    in reply to: RV Park Development Application #829
    Mark Miller

    Letter opposing RV Park development, click here.

    in reply to: Annual Town Hall Meeting #809
    Mark Miller

    Reminder, we have the Town Hall meeting this Saturday (July 18) from 11:00 – noon at the village maintenance shop followed by a hot dog lunch. Don’t forget to bring your lawn chairs. Also – kids are welcome to come and join us just for lunch if they are not interested in the meeting.

    Looking forward to a great turnout this year!

    Mark Miller,
    Deputy Mayor

    in reply to: Provincewide fire ban in effect #774
    Mark Miller

    Please be aware that the fire ban is now off, you are allowed to have open fires in the village – but please be cautious!

    in reply to: Fire Advisory for Lac Ste Anne County #770
    Mark Miller

    Fire conditions for Lac Ste. Anne County are Extreme for today (advisory was released on May 21) and into the weekend, and the Fire Advisory continues.

    The County will NOT be authorizing any new Fire Permits or Fireworks Permits until further notice. If conditions warrant it, an upgrade to full fire ban may be in place before the weekend.

    Remember, no burning is allowed except in approved fire pits. Burning barrels are still allowed, but burning must be constantly monitored. If they can’t monitor it they should not be burning. Fireworks are suspended.

    Please use extreme caution while burning. Existing permits will not be granted extensions while the Advisory is in effect.

    Please report any wildfire to 9-1-1 with exact location to assist County Fire Personnel in locating and extinguishing these fires in a timely fashion. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

    Additional information may be found on

    For further information, please contact the Fire Services Department at 1-866-880-5722 or 780-785-3411, or through the County website at

    in reply to: Fire Advisory for Lac Ste Anne County #769
    Mark Miller

    Reminder – there is still a fire advisory in place for Lac Ste Anne County, which includes Nakamun Park. Please be very cautious if you are having a fire as conditions are quite dry and the wind can come up quickly.

    in reply to: Boat Launch Day Use Area Planning Committee #727
    Mark Miller

    We have received quite a bit of feedback from local residents on the plan for developing a small recreational area by the boat launch, so rather than move forward with a planning committee at this point we have decided to wait until after our annual village meeting in the summer where we can discuss this more with the village residents.

    Thanks to everyone involved, both those that volunteered for the committee and the residents that provided us with feedback on their concerns with the planned development.

    in reply to: Road Update #700
    Mark Miller

    Update on Village roads – grading is partially done, the rest will be finished this weekend along with clearing windrows from driveways (where possible with the grader).

    in reply to: October Council Meeting Minutes #698
    Mark Miller

    Update – a new version of the October council meeting minutes has been posted with corrections.

    in reply to: Community Peace Officer Services #686
    Mark Miller

    I apologize for the blast of email messages that came from this post, there was a small glitch in the system when I submitted the posting.

    in reply to: Recreational Development on South Side of Nakamun Drive #643
    Mark Miller

    Letter from resident:

    Dear Mr. Matthew Ferris and Ms. Diane Burtnick,

    This email is expressing our grave concerns and opposition to the proposed redistricting of legal land: S.E. 34-56-02-W5M.

    The proposed redistricting of the above noted property raises the following concerns:

    1. The environmental impact on the lake and the surrounding areas with increased usage.

    2. Lake Nakamun is already at capacity for lake use. On the weekends when the current owners are enjoying the lake and their boats the lake is very busy. Safety is a huge concern.

    3. Safety on the roads is another serious issue as we have witnessed many near collisions between vehicles and quads/recreational vehicles. Adding more people and recreational vehicles will lead to a serious accident.

    4. Owners come out to the lake to get away from “hustle and bustle” and to enjoy some serenity. This enjoyment factor is already being tested with the number of current taxpayers.

    For the above reasons and those raised by our neighbours, we would appreciate your support in rejecting the proposed redistricting.


    Len and Kerry Samletzki
    5551D Nakamun Drive

    in reply to: Recreational Development on South Side of Nakamun Drive #642
    Mark Miller

    Letter from resident:

    August 26, 2014

    • Mr. Matthew Ferris, Planning and Development Manager Lac Ste Anne County
    • Ms. Diane Burtnick, Development Officer Lac Ste County
    • Mr. Bill Hagey Onoway North Councillor Lac Ste County

    Re: Proposed Amendments to Redistricting Legal Land:
    SE 34-56-02-W5M and SW 34- 57-02-W5M

    Dear Mr. Matthew Ferris, Ms. Diane Burtnick and Mr. Bill Hagey,

    It has recently come to our attention that there is a proposed amendment to the Land Use Bylaw #16-08 to rezone the listed properties so that it can be developed for commercial recreational usage by Masse Properties. We have serious concerns with this proposal.

    Our family have been property owners in the Summer Village of Nakamun Park for the past five years and have enjoyed the beautiful surroundings, the abundance of wildlife and the picturesque lake. However, if this proposed amendment goes through, we have concerns that this tranquil family haven may be irreparably damaged for ourselves and our neighbours.

    One of our issues is the safety factor as the increased traffic, of both on road and off road vehicles, could potentially endanger the safety of children, including our five grandsons, who love to play in the area. Increases in traffic will also effect the quality of the roads into and around Nakamun Park.

    Another very important issue is the usage of Lake Nakamun which has escaped the plague of blue-green algae over these past few years, unlike many other Alberta lakes, largely due to the fact that the lake, for its size, is not overused. However, this could drastically change with the approval of the proposed Masse Properties project. As taxpayers of the Summer Village of Nakamun, we do have an interest and an obligation to voice these concerns in order to keep our lake sustainable. Has a study about the environmental impact of this proposed project might have on our lake been made? What assurances can be made that our lake be protected from overuse and environmental contamination? The impact of the increased water and waste usage may be too detrimental on the ecosystem of our lake and surrounding water table.

    The clientele that this proposed project may attract could not have the same interests as tax paying property owners such as ourselves and our neighbours. Issues with transient users of the proposed development such as noise, vandalism or possible crime are troubling to us. Who will pay for increased police presence if needed?

    YOU have the power to decline this proposed development for the citizens of the Summer Village of Nakamun Park. We will wholeheartedly support the rejection of this proposal in order to save our lake and our property for our children and grandchildren.


    Patricia and Anthony March
    Nakamun Residence: 5045 6th Street, Nakamun Park T0E 1V0
    Home: 1107 Oakland Drive, Devon, Alberta T9G 2G9

    Danielle and Michael Wagner
    Nakamun Residence: 5045 6th Street, Nakamun Park T0E 1V0
    Home: 939 Oakland Blvd., Devon, Alberta T9G 2H5

    Jennifer and Jonathon O’Brien
    Nakamun Residence: 5045 6th Street, Nakamun Park T0E 1V0
    Home: 88 Ravine Drive, Devon, Alberta T9G 0A3

    in reply to: Recreational Development on South Side of Nakamun Drive #641
    Mark Miller

    Letter from resident, click here.

    in reply to: Recreational Development on South Side of Nakamun Drive #638
    Mark Miller

    Letter from resident:

    August 27, 2014

    Mr. Matthew Ferris
    Planning and Development Manager
    Lac Ste. Anne County

    Ms. Diane Burtnick
    Development Officer
    Lac Ste. Anne County

    This letter is in reference to the proposed redistricting of the legal land:
    S.E.34-56-02-W5M and S.W.34-56-02-W5M.

    As full time residents of The Summer Village of Lake Nakamun, the obvious concerns we share with our neighbours are the increased traffic, noise, trash, and vandalism to name just a few. We are well aware that our small slice of paradise is not ours exclusively. However, the real issue is the environmental impact this rezoning would have on the lake itself. We do not know the extent of this impact, but all parties involved can surmise it would be negative. With Lake Nakamun lying within the boundaries of Lac Ste. Anne County, it falls on the County to act as responsible stewards. As such, Alberta Environment should be contacted to provide a feasibility study before this application for rezoning proceeds any further.

    We encourage the County to consider the environmental impact of this rezoning and to reject this application.


    Wally and Rhoda Penner
    5580 Nakamun Drive

    in reply to: Recreational Development on South Side of Nakamun Drive #637
    Mark Miller

    Letter from resident:

    August 26th, 2014

    Mr. Matthew Ferris
    Planning & Development Manager
    Lac Ste. Anne County

    Ms. Diane Burtnick
    Development Officer
    Lac Ste. Anne County

    This letter is in reference to proposed redistricting legal land:
    S.E. 34-56-02-W5M and S.W. 34-56-02-W5M.

    The proposed redistricting of the above noted property raises many concerns. Beyond the increased boat traffic, vehicle traffic and overall congestion both on and around the lake we would like you to also consider the following:

    1) The environmentally sensitive nature of Nakamun Lake, as identified in the Lac La Nonne Watershed Stewardship Society’s State of the Watershed Report of October 2006, link:, identifies Nakamun Lake with very high saturation levels in the sediment of the lake. This at the very least should initiate the requirement of an Environmental Impact Study when redistricting properties this large within the lake drainage basin. This study should be complete and the results/recommendations reviewed prior to any decision on this proposal;

    2) There is an active gas well located on S.W. 34-56-02-W5M. Within the proximity of an active gas well there are minimum setbacks as regulated by the ERCB. A setback is the absolute minimum distance that must be maintained between any energy facility and a dwelling, rural housing development, urban centre or public facility. Setbacks vary according to the type of development and whether the well, facility or pipeline contains sour gas. ERCB link:
    This could negate a large portion of this property to development and should have been disclosed in the proposal as it will have a major impact on any potential development of that portion of the land;

    3) The redistricting proposal indicates that the land would be developed into recreational and business that support recreational activities. Many types of businesses that support recreation, for example a golf course as pictured in their proposal, utilize fertilizers and weed abatement treatments that will endanger Nakamun Lake further; and

    4) The applicant currently has the property listed as “For Sale” on the Classified Website Kijiji, which is a clear indication they are not applying for the redistricting in preparation for their own development of the area but simply for the profit of the property value, which will increase should their proposal be approved.

    The impact of this redistricting opens the door to the elimination of the quality of life at the lake as we know it today and will reduce this lovely area to one that resembles a busy campground.

    We would appreciate your consideration of our concerns and those of all our neighbours at the lake prior to the second reading of this proposal on September 3, 2014.

    Thank you

    Elizabeth & Russ Logan
    5087-4 Street, Summer Village of Nakamun Park

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 134 total)

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