RV Park Development Application

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  • #818
    Mark Miller

    I am sure that most people remember the challenges that we had last year with stopping the effort to have the property south of Nakamun Drive developed into an RV campground. We just found out last week that the property owner (Darien Masse) has submitted a new application to Lac Ste Anne County (LSAC) to have this property re-zoned as recreational so that he can build an RV campground with over 200 trailer sites in it.

    The first reading for the re-zoning application already went through LSAC council on Aug 5, the second and third (final) readings are scheduled to be done at a public hearing on Sept 1 at 10:00am. Here are the supporting documents for the re-zoning application. Please note that the “Proposed Campground Map” provides a good summary of what he intends to develop.

    1. Bylaw 21-2015 – Rezoning Agricultural to Recreational
    2. Masse Rezoning Application
    3. County Location Sketch
    4. Nakamun Location Sketch
    5. Proposed Campground Map
    6. Abandoned Well Locations Map
    7. Notice to County Residents

    As your council we have sent a notice to LSAC stating that we wish to speak at the public hearing on Sept 1. We strongly encourage all residents to participate in the meeting, and if possible voice your concerns at it. If you wish to speak at the public hearing you need to schedule an appointment as indicated at the bottom of the “Notice to County Residents” letter.

    Also, if you wrote a letter to LSAC last year stating your concerns, please send it in to them again at both of the addresses listed at the bottom of the “Notice to County Residents” letter. If you did not write a letter and are opposed to having a 200+ site campground open up on our back doorstep, please write a letter to LSAC stating your concerns. We will also be presenting the petition against the development from last year.

    If this property developer is successful in his application to develop recreational properties as he is planning, this will significantly (and negatively) impact the quality of the lake, our community, and way of life here. Please take the time now to do your part in trying to stop it.

    If you write a letter to council and are willing to have it posted on our web site, please send it to me at mark.miller@svnakamun.com and I will post it (and I encourage everyone to do this).

    SV Nakamun Park Council

    Mark Miller

    Letter opposing RV Park development, click here.

    Mark Miller

    Letter opposing RV Park development, click here.

    Mark Miller

    Letter opposing RV park development:

    Mr. Matthew Ferris
    Planning & Development Manager
    Lac Ste. Anne County

    Ms. Danielle Woolnough
    Planning & Development Summer Student
    Lac Ste. Anne County

    This letter is in response to the proposed redistricting legal land: S.E. 34-56-02-W5M and S.W. 34-56-02 W5M from Agricultural to Commercial Recreation.

    A development of this type , Masse Wilderness Park, with a 205 site campground in such close proximity to Nakamum Park will negatively impact our community and Lake Nakamun.

    -Increased traffic on Nakamun Drive, RV traffic to and from the campground, pedestrian traffic, vehicle traffic, recreational traffic (dirt bikes, atvs, boat trailers). This is a gravel road and dust is already a problem with existing traffic volumes. Road safety and increased wear and tear are also concerns.

    -Non resident use of the private summer village boat launch.

    -An increase in crime due to the transient nature of campers.

    -An increase in boat traffic on Lake Nakamun will raise boating safety issues as well as have a negative affect on the environmental quality of the lake. This is a small lake and we feel that it may have already reached usage capacity.

    -This type of development will bring about a decrease in local property values.

    We urge county council to reject this proposal.


    Bill and Dyann Brooks
    5555 Nakamun Drive
    Nakamun Park, AB

    Mark Miller

    Here is what we can do as residents to oppose the RV Park development, in order of priority:

    1. Come to the public hearing and speak out against the development
      This is the best way to be heard by all parties involved, especially County Council. The hearing is on Sept 1 at 10:00 at the County Office in Sangudo and if you want to speak, you need to schedule it with Matthew Ferris (780-785-3411 or 1-866-880-5722).
    2. Come to the public hearing in support of those from Nakamun Park that are speaking against the development
    3. Write a letter to the County Planning and Development Manager opposing the development (contact details are in the NoticeOfPublicHearing.pdf document in the initial posting)
    4. Sign the petition against the development (more details to follow on this one

    Mark Miller

    Mark Miller

    Letter from resident opposing RV park development:

    Date: August 17, 2015 at 1:47:35 PM MDT
    To: “mferris@lsac.ca” , “dwoolnough@lsac.ca”
    Cc: “whitecourt.steanne@assembly.ab.ca” , “mark.miller@svnakamun.com”
    Subject: Development at Nakamun Lake

    As permanent residents and land owners in the SV of Nakamun Park, we are strongly opposed to r-zoning of land and any further development on Nakamun Lake. We are paticularily opposed to the proposed building of an RV campground on adjacent land.

    Our lake is already compromised wih our current lake population. The fish have suffered winter-kill, and we already have too much algae. These problems would be greatly increased with further development.

    Has an unbiased third party environmental study been done? If not, why not? Do we really want another lake to go the way of Sandy Lake, Lake Isle, and so may others that have been over-developed? We think not. Please consider these important issues.

    The poor condition of the roads into Nakamun Lake and the ruination of our peaceful lifestyle are also at issue. However the utmost importance must be given to the preservation of our lake for future generations.

    We hope that common sense and environmental consciousness will prevail and prevent this and any further development at Lake Nakamun.

    Henry and Margaret Hanssen,
    SV of Nakamun Park

    Mark Miller

    Letter from resident opposing RV Park development:

    Mr. Matthew Ferris
    Planning & Development Manager
    Lac Ste. Anne County

    Ms. Danielle Woolnough
    Planning & Development Summer Student
    Lac Ste. Anne County

    This letter is in response to the proposed redistricting legal land: S.E. 34-56-02-W5M and S.W. 34-56-02 W5M from Agricultural use to Commercial Recreation (CREA) use.

    I understand that Masse Properties Corp has made application for Redistricting (rezoning) the above mentioned property and 1st reading of the proposed bylaw has occurred on August 5th by Lac Ste. Anne County (LSAC) council, indicating that a 2nd and 3rd reading of the proposed Redistricting Bylaw 21-2015 be forthcoming. I cannot downplay the reality that a development of a 200+ site RV campground is credible. The proposal to Redistrict this parcel, let alone possible development of a 200+ site RV campground, will have a detrimental effect on the market value of property in Nakamun Park and Nakamun Lake’s surrounding neighbourhoods.

    I understand the proposed Redistricting bylaw does not guarantee Mr. Masse’s success at attempting to develop the 200+ site RV campground. Mr. Masse proposed development of this property last year and was denied; however, given the tenacity of this individual, his ultimate agenda to do whatever is necessary to develop the adjacent property creating a densely populated RV campground.

    This proposal has been compared to a development bordering a larger populated center (a town or city). This situation is incomparable as the basis of owning property in a summer village or living in the countryside is more aligned with enhancing ones quality of life which will be threatened by the proposed Redistricting bylaw.

    The 200 site RV campground in such close proximity to Nakamun Park will negatively impact our summer village, including the neighbouring summer villages in LSAC and Lake Nakamun. The proposed use of this property will substantially increase traffic causing additional wear and maintenance of the county’s and Nakamun Park’s road system. This is an important factor as the main component of any county’s operating budget is road maintenance; this will impact all of LSAC’s residents.

    In addition to the increased road traffic, the number of boating related incidents on Nakamun Lake will be a cause for concern by the existing summer village residents and in the neighbouring county alike, including the environmental impact of the increased population about the lake.

    There is also the inevitability of an increase in criminal activity due to the transient nature of campers associated with the proposed 200+ site RV campground.

    In closing, it is a misconception that increasing the tax base will augment a municipality’s coffers. This 200+ RV campground development will only trigger a nominal tax shift, given a typical annual adjustment to your municipality’s budget.

    I request your consideration to deny the proposed Redistricting (Rezoning) Bylaw 21-2015.


    Richard Chaney
    5074 5th Street
    Nakamun Park, AB

    Mark Miller

    Letter from resident opposing RV park development:

    Mr. Matthew Ferris
    Planning & Development Manager
    Lac Ste. Anne County

    Ms. Danielle Woolnough
    Planning & Development Summer Student

    LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY LAND USE BYLAW #16-08 for Proposed: Redistricting
    Legal Land: S.E. 34-56-02-W5M and S.W. 34-56-02-W5M
    File: 002REDST2015

    The proposed redistricting of the above noted properties raise many concerns. Beyond the un-evaluated environmental impact, increased boat traffic, vehicle traffic and overall congestion both on and around the lake we would like you to also consider the following:

    1) The environmentally sensitive nature of Nakamun Lake, as identified in the Lac La Nonne Watershed Stewardship Society’s State of the Watershed Report of October 2006, link: http://www.laclanonnewatershed.com/LLN_SoW_Report.pdf, identifies Nakamun Lake with very high saturation levels in the sediment of the lake. This at the very least should initiate the requirement of an Environmental Impact Study when redistricting properties this large within the lake drainage basin. This study should be complete and the results/recommendations reviewed prior to any decision on this proposal;

    2) The redistricting proposal indicates that the land would be developed into recreational and business that support recreational activities. Many types of businesses that support recreation, for example a golf course as pictured in their proposal again, utilizes fertilizers and weed abatement treatments that will endanger Nakamun Lake further;

    3) The addition of 200 campsites would, in essence, double the current number of families utilizing a very small lake that is currently trying to recover from very high sediment levels and with a fish population that was decimated by winter kill two winters ago; and

    4) Mr. Masse is already offering camping for a fee since June 4, 2015, on the subject property, direct quotes below are from his own Facebook page… the development permit was not submitted for the County’s review until June 12, 2015…

    June 4 (2015)-
    “My new tractor just delivered to my Masse Wilderness Park project. Creating spots for my friends. Park your RV here for monthly use. Not for storage, come enjoy the land. Free fire wood…. Small fee to cover costs. Message me if interested…. Only 1 hour from city.”

    From one of his followers with his response and date is June 4, 2015…before he applied to the county:

    “Hey pal. PM me the details.”
    Like · Reply · 1 · June 4 at 9:53pm
    Darien Masse “Nakamun Lake

    July 25 (2015) –
    “A week of relaxing camping out on my land…. So looking forward to getting out of the city…. 160 acres of pure peace and serenity. Going to build a large community fire pit with a large tent and gazebo….. Build it and they shall come… Lol”

    The only difference on this application from the one submitted last year is that he has scaled down the development slightly, although he is still using most of the wording and picture from his previous submission. Mr. Masse’s submission in 2014 was soundly defeated by your council and I implore you to again rule against redistricting of both of these properties.

    We would appreciate your consideration of our concerns and those of all our neighbours at the lake prior to the second reading of this proposal on September 1, 2015.

    Thank you

    Elizabeth & Russ Logan
    5087-4 Street, Summer Village of Nakamun Park

    Mark Miller

    Letter opposing RV Park development, click here.

    Mark Miller

    Letter from resident opposing RV Park development:

    Sent: August-18-15 9:45 AM
    To: mferris@lsac.ca; dwoolnough@lsac.ca
    Cc: Mark Miller; RLS
    Subject: Proposed Redistricting: Legal Land: SE 34-56-02-W5M and SW 34-56-02-W5M (Nakamun Lake)

    Mr. Ferris / Ms. Woolnough,

    We are sending this note in response to the proposed rezoning of the parcels of land indicated in the subject line.

    As a landowners in the S.V. of Nakamun Park for many years we are deeply concerned about the possibility, once again, of the land being rezoned as a change will be creating the development of a multi parcel recreational facility near the lake.

    This is a major concern because:
    – Due to the small size of Nakamun Lake, any significant development such as this will negatively impact the environment surrounding the lake and the lake itself due to potential overuse. The small lake is already at capacity and with the introduction of a major development will be sure to at least double the lake usage

    – Reduction of the value of the land for the current owners in the Village and surrounding areas due to potential overcrowding on the lake and streets in the Summer months.

    – Potential for an increase in crime and noise due to seasonal usage of this proposed development

    – Safety on the Village streets will be compromised due to increased traffic (we have already installed speed bumps to deal with an already existing problem)

    Please consider these points when making your decision.

    Thank you.

    Derek & Michele Schaaf
    Ludwig & Lorene Schaaf
    SV of Nakamun Park

    Mark Miller

    Letter opposing RV Park development, click here.

    Mark Miller

    Letter opposing RV Park development, click here.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Mark Miller.
    Mark Miller

    Letter opposing RV Park development, click here.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Mark Miller.
    Mark Miller

    Letter opposing RV Park development, click here.

    Mark Miller

    Letter opposing RV Park development, click here.

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