2025 Municipal Elections
Section 12 of the Local Authorities Election Act (the Act) requires Summer Villages to determine a Nomination Day, to occur in June or July of 2025. If the number of candidates nominated exceeds the number of candidates required, then there is an election 4 weeks after nomination day. The following dates have been set for the Summer Village of Nakamun Park 2025 General Municipal Election:
Nomination Day: July 12, 2025 from 10 a.m. until 12 noon at the Public Works Shop (5563A Nakamun Drive)
Advance Vote: August 2, 2025 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Public Works Shop (5563A Nakamun Drive)
Election Day: August 9, 2025 from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. at Public Works Shop (5563A Nakamun Drive)
2025 Organizational Meeting of Council (Official Start of New Council Term): August 28th, 2025 – 2:00pm at the Administration Office (2317 TWP Rd. 545 in Lac Ste. Anne County).
Candidate Orientation Options:
- Candidate Orientation (Option 1) May 3, 2025
10 a.m. to 12 noon
Stettin-Nakamun Hall 5404 Township Road 571, Lac Ste Anne County - Candidate Orientation (Option 2) May 24, 2025
10 a.m. to 12 noon
Darwell Seniors Center (Interlake Golden Age Club)Hwy AB-765, Darwell Alberta
Councillor Orientation Options
- Councillor Orientation (Part 1) July 23, 2025 (if Elected by Acclamation)
1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Alberta Beach Seniors Centre (5012 49th Ave, Alberta Beach) - Councillor Orientation (Part 1) August 27, 2025 (if Contested Election)
1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Alberta Beach Seniors Centre (5012 49th Ave, Alberta Beach) - Councillor Orientation (Part 2) September 15, 2025
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Alberta Beach Seniors Centre (5012 49th Ave, Alberta Beach)
Key Notices:
Notice of Election – to be posted
Notice of Preliminary Results – to be posted
Notice of Official Results – to be posted
Key Contacts:
Returning Officer – Angela Duncan – 780-967-0271 (angela@wildwillowenterprises.com)
Substitute Returning Officer – Dwight Moskalyk – 780-967-0271 (cao@svnakamun.com)
Nomination Information:
Nomination packages can be downloaded from our website, HERE, or can be picked up at the Municipal Office, located at 2317 Twp 545, Lac Ste Anne County. Or you can download the required forms directly from the Municipal Affairs website, https://www.alberta.ca/municipal-election-forms.
There are a number of forms included in the nomination Package, please note that these cannot be submitted electronically:
- Form 29 Notice of Intent – this is notice that you intend to run in the municipal election. This form can be handed in to the Returning Officer at any time. The latest it can be handed in is when your nomination is filed.
- Form 4 Nomination Paper & Candidates Acceptance – this form must be filled out entirely and include the signature of at least 5 eligible electors.
- Form 5 Candidate Financial Information – This must be handed in with your nomination papers.
- Form 26 Campaign Disclosure Statement & Financial Statement – this form must be handed in, by all candidates, no later than March 1, 2026.
Nomination papers and associated forms will be accepted on Nomination Day from 10 a.m. until 12 noon. If someone other than you is dropping off your paperwork, they must be your appointed Official Agent and the forms must be signed by a Commissioner of Oaths where applicable.
Candidate and Councillor Orientation:
Municipalities are now REQUIRED TO OFFER Candidate Orientation opportunities to the electorate during general election cycles for local authorities. Elected Officials are now also REQUIRED TO COMPLETE Councillor Orientation in order to hold office within a local authority (municipality).
If you are interested in running for office in the 2025 municipal election for the Summer Village of Nakamun Park, please note the Candidate and Councillor Orientation dates and times listed on the website and keep these dates open in your calendars. You may attend either of the available candidate orientation training sessions, and you must be prepared to attend both the Part 1 and Part 2 Councillor Orientation training sessions. Noting the Part 1 Councillor training options – please note that you should keep both dates open in your calendar; if the election is concluded by acclamation the earlier date (July 23) will be used for orientation, if the election is contested we will use the later date (August 27) for the Part 1 training.
While your attendance at the Candidate Orientation is voluntary, Councillor Training (both Part 1 and 2) are required if you are elected to council. If you are interested in running for office, please reach out to Administration to ensure you are pre-registered for the training opportunities provided.
New Requirements for Candidate Financial Reporting
Requirements now exist in the Local Authority Elections for Candidates to open and maintain an independent Campaign Account at a recognized financial institution.
Campaign accounts are governed by section 147.3(1)(a) of the LAEA, which reads that a Candidate must ensure they open a campaign account in the name of the candidate or their election campaign at a financial institution for the purpose of the election campaign. This should occur at the time the candidate submits a written notice under section 147.22 or as soon as contributions to the campaign are $1000, in aggregate. Any funds contributed by a candidate are considered contributions and must be deposited into the campaign account. These contributions must also be disclosed in accordance with section 147.4, using Form 26.
Candidates should be aware that even minor expenses, such as gas mileage, qualify as campaign expenditures and must be paid from the campaign account, even if the funds used are the candidate’s personal funds. To ensure compliance with the regulations regarding campaign finance and candidate duties, we are also reminding all candidates to be prepared to provide the details of their intended financial institution of their campaign when submitting their prescribed forms, but also strongly recommending that they have a campaign account opened and operating, regardless of if they intend to receive contributions for their campaign.
Election Register and Elector Identification
Recent changes to the Local Authorities Election Act require many municipalities to use Election Registers, or voter lists. Summer Villages have an exemption to this requirement, and therefore we may use an Elector Register or opt to use traditional methods of Elector Identification at the poll stations.
Council has declined to use an Elector Register. This means that anyone wishing to vote in the 2025 Municipal Election for the Summer Village of Nakamun Park will be required to provide appropriate identification. Furthermore, vouching as a means of confirming elector eligibility will no longer be an option. In the past, this would have been an option but current legislation affords this option only to municipalities that use an Elector Register.
Appropriate Identification information is coming soon.
Information & Resources:
Running for office and serving your community as an elected official is a rewarding and worthwhile endeavour for both you and your community. However, it can feel overwhelming at times, and it is important to understand what the election process and serving as a Councillor entails. To help with that, below are links to a number of resources to help you in your decision to run and make sure you are ready to go, if you are successful. In addition to the resources below, the Summer Village is also working on putting together a CANDIDATE INFORMATION SESSION. Stay tuned to our website for more information on this important session.