Land Use Bylaw #2022-4 Follow-Up Survey – Public Engagement Opportunity
In 2022, Council passed a new Land Use Bylaw. Community sentiment during the public engagement on Bylaw #2022-4 made it clear that follow-up would be necessary to help the municipality monitor the impact on the new rules and be proactive in addressing any unintended consequences going forward.
Council committed to a two-year trial period for the new bylaw after which time the municipality would engage with stakeholders for follow-up on noted “hot button” topics. With both the 2023 and 2024 summer seasons now logged for reference in the discussion, Council has prepared a follow-up survey to initiate the promised engagement.
A copy of Land Use Bylaw 2022-4 can be found here.
New Public Engagement Opportunity
In January 2025, the municipality notified stakeholders (property owners and residents) of the new public engagement opportunity. A copy of the notice letter can be viewed here.
The survey was available online, and by printing a hard copy of the survey and sending your completed paper copy back to the administration office before the deadline.
Click for a PDF copy of the Survey
The survey was active from January 10, 2025 through February 15, 2025.
Survey Results
Click to view the Survey Results
What Council Heard and Next Steps
March 28, 2025
Re: Land Use Bylaw #2022-4 Follow-Up Survey Responses and Next Steps
The LUB #2022-4 Follow-Up Survey closed on February 15, 2025. Responses were compiled and presented for review by Council during the March 18, 2025 regular meeting. Council has authorized that the survey responses, redacted to remove personal information and other FOIP protected content, be posted on the website for information. This report can be found on the website under the Land Use Bylaw #2022-4 Follow-Up tab.
General Findings
As a general statement regarding the results of the survey, Council is pleased to see that many of the provisions introduced, retained, or reinforced, when the new Land Use Bylaw was adopted in 2022 appear to be consistent with community expectations. Of the 73 survey responses received:
- ~70% agree/generally agree that accessory structures (sheds/garages/privies) should not be permitted on vacant properties. Of these, 64% suggested this be a strict provision, while 36% offered that the municipality should consider allowing accessory structures on vacant lots if the owner of the vacant lot also has improved property elsewhere in the village.
- ~65% agree that Sea-Cans/Shipping Containers should be strictly prohibited on vacant and improved lots, except where used for temporary construction purposes for new development.
- ~69% agree that Recreational Vehicles should only be allowed on improved properties in the municipality.
- ~74% agree that Recreational Vehicles should not be allowed as a “Principal Residence” on any lot.
- ~76% agree that treating Recreational Vehicles as an Accessory Structure for the purpose of setbacks, lot coverage and placement on site promotes less crowding/overcrowding and shields the municipality from the “RV lot” aesthetic.
- When considering enforcement priorities for the future, respondents ranked lot aesthetic (buildings in disrepair, unkempt yards, overgrown vegetation) as top priority. Addressing unregistered/derelict vehicles, sea-can use, and unauthorized recreational vehicle also ranked as priorities.
- Addressing Parking and Traffic Bylaw enforcement on municipal roads was offered as an additional priority for the respondents.
Revisiting Recreational Vehicle Use (Number of Recreation Vehicles Permitted)
While there is general consensus on many of the topics (noted above), Council recognizes that the respondents have misgivings about continuing to allow multiple recreational vehicles on site. The overwhelming comment seems to indicate that (a) the Land Use Bylaw be revised to state previous regulations allowing only one Recreational Vehicle (on an improved lot), and (b) that authorized Recreational Vehicle use be considered a use not requiring a development permit, or at least no permit fee.
The 2022-2024 period was pitched as a trial period for the two Recreational Vehicle regulation. Now that this time has passed, with very limited uptake on this provision (in terms of permits issued or requests made), and with persistent concern from the community on the potential long term impacts of this policy choice for the municipality, Council has asked that new language be drafted for Council to consider amending this section of the Land Use Bylaw to revert back to prior limits on the number of Recreational Vehicles allowed on site.
Next Steps
Council has authorized administration to prepare draft revisions to the Land Use Bylaw to address inconsistencies between existing policy and council/community priorities. Once the redraft is prepared, Council will review, and once the review is complete a new LUB draft will be prepared and given first reading. After first reading, additional public engagement will be arranged, including the required Public Hearing, with notice of same sent to all property owners. Following the public engagement, Council will give further/final consideration to the adoption of any new/amended Land Use Bylaw provisions.
Please stay tuned for further updates on this process in the coming months.
Mayor Keith Pederson
On behalf of Council
Summer Village of Nakamun Park