Welcome to Nakamun

Summer Village of Nakamun Lake website

Nakamun Lake is an attractive lake set in rolling hills in the counties of Lac Ste. Anne and Barrhead. It is located about 95 km northwest of Edmonton and 28 km south of the town of Barrhead. To reach the lake from Edmonton, take Highway 16 west to its junction with Highway 43. Turn north on Highway 43 and drive north and then west to Highway 33. Turn north and drive 17 km to Secondary Road 650, then drive east along this road to the west end of Nakamun Lake. The north and south sides of the lake can be reached by municipal roads running west from Secondary Road 777.

Nakamun is Cree for “song of praise” or “songbird” (Geog. Bd. Can. 1928). Settlers arrived in the area at the end of the nineteenth century and began clearing land for agriculture to the east and northeast of the lake. Most of the land around the lake is privately owned and the south shore is extensively developed. The first subdivision was established in 1960; it was incorporated as the summer village of Nakamun Park in 1966. Four Oakes subdivision was founded in 1962 about 400 m east of Nakamun Park, and Nakamun Court subdivision (also called Losie Glade) was built in 1975 adjacent to the west side of Four Oakes. The north shore is mostly undeveloped except for the Camp Nakamun bible camp and a few cottages.

Excerpt from Atlas of Alberta Lakes.

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March 21, 2025

Re: Edgewater Escapes Lake Resort – Proposed Development

Council for the Summer Village of Nakamun Park received notice of the proposed Edgewater Escapes Lake Resort Development on March 18, 2025. A copy of this notice appears to have been sent to all property owners around the lake. A discussion on this matter was raised during the regular council meeting held that afternoon.

Council is providing this update simply to let residents know that the municipality is aware of the proposal and intends to participate in the upcoming open house regarding same (scheduled for March 31, 2025 5pm-8pm at the Rich Valley Hall). Council remains concerned with the potential environmental and community impact of these types of developments and will use available opportunities to provide comments and concerns on behalf of the municipality, as we have in the past. Council encourages all residents who are able to attend this open house to do so.

Additional updates will be provided as the situation develops.

Mayor Keith Pederson
On behalf of Council
Summer Village of Nakamun Park

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